Title: Superninjas 2002

This is the archive for the original Vs. Mode voting tournament from 2002. Guy eventually won the battle by beating Kazan. People were cheating for Grey Fox to win so he was disqualified. The biggest surprise was that Kazan from Brawl Brothers got more votes than Jo Musashi, Ryu Hayabusa and the TMNT chars.

Rounds that have happened so far: 1

This is an archive of an earlier fight.
GuyTITLE=Guy KazanTITLE=Kazan Jo Ryu KunoichiTITLE=Kunoichi LeonardoTITLE=Leonardo GoemonTITLE=Goemon ShredderTITLE=Shredder Ninja

Guy (profile).
Attacks:0 | Attacked:0

Attacks:0 | Attacked:0

Jo Musashi
Attacks:0 | Attacked:0

Ryu Hayabusa
Attacks:0 | Attacked:0

Attacks:0 | Attacked:0

Attacks:0 | Attacked:0

Attacks:0 | Attacked:0

Attacks:0 | Attacked:0

Ninja (Grey Fox)
Attacks:0 | Attacked:0

This is an archive of an earlier fight.

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