Game Index: Pages dedicated to specific games featured on the website. Features transcribed text, character lists, links to relevant pages on this site (sprites, fan game items, etc.) and more.
Company Index: Just like the Game Index but centered around companies.
S-Files: Information on characters and more.
Vernacula-X/Definitions: Glossary of gaming terms, slang and other nonsense.
Reviews: Defunct, but not forgotten.
Tips: Tips, passwords, codes, and so-such.
Credits: Credits to those who have contributed to the site and thanks to its supporters.
Here are some great reference links:
Video Game History Foundation Library A huge online treasure trove of scanned video game information, magazines and much more! Currently in Early Access mode as of this writing (Jan. 30, 2025)
VGDensetsu: Lots of collected info about the creators of these games, which isn't easy because many of these people weren't officially credited or were listed under psuedonyms.
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