Captain America and the Avengers (genesis)
200x100 GFX Company: Data East, Marvel
Genre: Beat 'em up
Released: USA: 1992
Port of: Captain America and the Avengers (arcade)
From the game's intro
By assembling a team of super-villains, Red Skull seeks to conquer the world. He has used his wealth to assemble his evil team. He has used a mind control machine to bring them under his power. He now controls their every action. Go at once, Avengers! Try to crush his evil scheme!
This port came from Data East and has one player and two-player simultaneous play modes along with a Training mode (really a Versus Mode) and an Options menu. It also has most of, if not all, the spoken dialogue samples from the arcade version. This is one of the few beat-em-up titles in which the player has the natural ability to use projectiles (press attack + jump simultaneously) and block (hold attack for a few seconds) without picking them up along the way. Though the game is mostly a beat-em-up, a few sections feature horizontal shoot-em-up action. The sky-cycles used by the non-flying characters in those shooter scenes ("Thank you, Wonder Man!") are based on the vehicles used in the comics of that time.

Data East also made a game for the NES with the same title, but it not a port of this game. That NES game is a side-scroller that stars Captain America and Hawkeye.

I ramble more about the game's comic book references on the page about the arcade game.
Player Characters:
Captain America Iron Man Hawkeye the Vision
Enemy Characters:
the Controller Crossbones Klaw Living Laser the Mandarin the Juggernaut Red Skull Ultron Whirlwind the Wizard
Other Characters:
Quicksilver Sub-Mariner Wasp Wonder man
Screenshots (click to see full-sized):
title screen option screen character select screen Cap and Iron Man in action Training Mode
ScrollBoss Section Links:
Sprites - sprites, animations & cutscene graphics
Minus World - mentioned in Comics Code article
Custom Sprites - includes heroes & villains from the game
Beats of Rage - health item
Sound Rips - Voice samples from the arcade game
Mini Logos - custom Marvel mini-logos
Logos - animated and static versions fo the logo
Review - Brawl Brothers review

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