Pow (item)
Not to be confused with P.O.W. (Prisoner of War), POW is a power-up item symbolized by a large capital P with the letters o and w following in lower-case form. Its effects depend on the game and include things like improving a weapon, a smart bomb attack and transforming all enemies into helpful items.

Most of the more well-known appearances are in Capcom games, but Pow also appears in The Revenge of Shinobi for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive.
Game list:
1942 (arcade), Bionic Commando (NES), the Revenge of Shinobi (Genesis), Son Son (arcade), Vulgus (arcade)
Pow - 1942 (arcade) Pow - Bionic Commando (NES) Pow - Black Tiger (arcade) Pow - Son-Son (arcade) Pow - The Revenge of Shinobi (Genesis) Pow - Tumblepop (arcade) Pow - Vulgus (arcade)

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