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Works in Progress These are Mugen items that I'm slowly working on that are done enough to get a screenshot of. Don't expect these to be finished soon, though. My artwork and regular job are more important than MUGEN is to me, so these things are worked on in my spare time. I can't say that I'll definitely finish anything here, but I'll do my best to get them done.

Click on a small screenshot to see the full sized version.
The Baroness: Yes, the Cobra Intelligence Officer, fixed wing pilot and all-around foxy lady herself. I can't program, so I'm only making a sprite sheet. Currently working on hit frames. She'll have Cobra troops as back-up and a very cool palette system that I hope works. I won't be the one programming her. I'll just be lazy and try to find a good programmer to do the job right :)

Her WIP page has been removed for now.

Shinobi stage 1-1: Yes, the entire stage with all 4 hostages in the right places and a few of the stationary thugs. Everything I need is ripped, but I couldn't get an perfect version of the farthest city layer. I came as close as I could to it (for now). I only need to map out a few more gunmen and swordsmen plus mimic the game's animation. As of now, the hostages have a short version of their arcade animation. No, it's not going to be super-jump enabled.
Paradise Island: Using edited parts of existing stages, sprite edits and a few mouse-drawn elements, this will be yet another rendition of Wonder Woman's birthplace of Themiscrya. The screenshot is VERY early and VERY ugly. A lot will be added and changed before this sees the light of day.