Main Characters Backgrounds Game Series Sprite Edits Sprite Rips Beats of Rage Tutorials Links Wip

Latest News:

7/11/04: Added some sprites to the Video Game sprites area (which has been re-arranged a bit). Also added Wolverine's Stage 1 music from Capcom's X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse to the "Beats of Rage" area.

6/26/04: Added Rolento's BGM from Street Fighter Alpha 2 to the "Beats of Rage" area.

6/19/04: Sorry for being a month late, but I've been working on a lot, especially my drawn artwork and fixing my ScrollBoss site. Now I'll working on fixing up this site every once in a while. The newest section that will be getting the largest amount of updates in the coming months is the new 'Beats of Rage' area where you can download new components for the great moddable beat-em-up game by Senile Team. It debuts with my first complete enemy: Rolento. The sprite edit area has a few new additions as well.

4/3/04: Not an update, but a few words about stuff that'll be happening to the site. First of all, the Golden Axe and Altered Beast stages will be removed from the site due to their crappiness. If I ever remake and fix them, I'll make them available again. I really need the room, too. So, if you were thinking about DLing them for some odd reason, Get them now while you can. Also, in the very near future there will be some Beats of Rage stuff here too. Just some items and some music to start with. No characters yet, but maybe later (I promise nothing on that one). This site is going on a bit of a break because of my drawn artwork. It'll be back to active status in May. Take care, party people!

3/13/04: In the Sprite Rips area, I've updated the 'small explosion pack' and added a new 'dust effect' pack too. A few new sprites in the DC comics section too.3/7/04: Mini-update fixes and announcements: the Dark Guld stage screenshot was busted (pointing to folder that didn't exist on the site, but does in my Hard Drive version of the site... oh, the shame) plus I finally updated the "entrance page" message. I'm doing some line art right now, but there'll be some new sprite edits next week and I may have a new downloadable sprite pack ready by then too. Yeah, keep them eyes open!

2/28/04:Before I tell you what's new, I'm going to make this announcement: The Baroness for MUGEN is, at least for now, CANCELLED. There's a lot of reasons why, but the main one being that the makers of the G.I.JOE mod for Battlefield were served with a 'cease-and-desist' order as their sites disappeared. It's just not worth the trouble that I'd go through if they start sorting through the MUGEN world. I apologize to anyone that was looking forward to this. And before anyone asks, I am not going to put the rest of the unseen sprites and animations out there just yet. So please don't e-mail me to ask to use the sprites or finish the character, because I might use the sprites elsewhere.

In slightly happier news, there's a new stage/background from Golden Axe 2 for the Genesis. It's a modified version of Dark Guld's final battle stage. I've expanded it to 640x300 and added a sparkling Golden Axe in the middle. Get it to show your old-school MUGEN characters that you still care. Also, there's a LOT of new sprites in the DC comics sprite section. If you're a fan of Catwoman, then you REALLY want to look at the DC section. Trust me on that one ;)

12/27/03:Over the next few updates, this site will be slowly restructured to work a bit better and be more flexible. The first place that you'll notice this is the sprites sections. Now, the comic section has been split into DC, Marvel, and G.I.JOE pages. Also, I made some graphic buttons that lead to and identify the pages. These will also be used in the revamp of the new version of the 'Game Series' section. The DC and Marvel pages only have 1 or 2 new edits each while the G.I.JOE section has A LOT of new edits, including almost every color variation of the classic Cobra Viper. Enjoy this small update and have a Happy New Year!

12/21/03:Now that things have calmed down A LOT in the real life sector, it's time to update this site. While this isn't an update, this is to say that an update is coming. While I planned on updating tonight, I realized that I was also slightly redesigning the site. Besides the fact that there'll be new and updated sprite edits, there'll also be a few new graphics and different page layouts. The Marvel, DC and G.I.JOE edits will have separate pages, too. Yes, there'll definitely be enough G.I.JOE and Cobra related sprites to warrant it's own page now. If you want to see some of the new stuff, check out the ScrollBoss Message Boards.

I'll say this in advance: one thing that you won't see here anymore are any preview sprites that I plan on adding to any future stage or character projects. Seeing as how stealing is popular and I'm slow, chances are that people will steal them and use them in a project before whatever I'm doing is done, making me look like the copycat. That also means that there'll be no more new preview sprites of the Baroness.
Speaking of the Baroness, she's still going slowly because I keep fixing up sprites that I don't like. Her fighting pose has tweaked a bit more, her crouching sprites were totally redone and she was given a new taunt. Currently, I'm fixing her walk with a totally new upperbody and revamped legs. Then again, if you ever saw the old walk, you can tell that it was a beta anyway. She'll have a new WIP page a few updates from now with (hopefully) new and updated snapshots. Sorry for being slow about this project. I'm sure she'll be out sometime before 2008.
Okay, see you next week!

Speak up at the EZBoard forum:

Disclaimer: this site IS NOT called "MugenBoss" because I think I'm great or anything, but because it's based off my side-scroller site called "ScrollBoss." No one has said that I claimed this, but I'm a believer in pre-emptive strikes...

Mugen is a free (for now) 2-D fighting game that plays like Street Fighter Alpha, complete with super-combos, recovers, and more. BUT you can make your own characters, beginnings, endings, seclect screens, etc. Lots of people have adadpted charcters from other fighting games, modified other characters, and others still have actually made some from scratch!

I don't have time to make characters, but I like to do stuff with animation. So here's where I'll store them for now. I plan to do a few things here:

1.) Give links to great side-scrolling based characters and backgrounds. There are people doing some AMAZING stuff out there. I'd like this place to be a zone wheresuch sites could be collected and the creators get their props.

2.) I'm also a superhero nut. Not only are there great comic book characters and stages made by others out there, but there are many full games in the works including one from some friends of mine at Project X that'll blow away any X-fan that loves to beat people up.

3.) Give you the opportunity to download my crappy stages. I'll try to split the field between stages for small characters and large ones. I mean, who else is gonna make a stage from Brawl Brothers?!?!?.

4.) Make/find stuff that might help people and/or save them some time.

This is NOT a "wares" or "roms" site. All copyrights belong to whoever made them, so on and so forth. Thank you for making the stuff that I'm re-creating. Consider it fan appreciation:)