I meant to post about this before it happened so you could’ve seen (and heard) it live, but at least there’s a replay to watch. Dire (of the OPCFG and West Mansion) invited me to be a part of a Retro Roundtable stream this weekend and this will probably be the first time you’ll hear my voice:

BTW: I mentioned having something in the works early on in the video, and that’s mainly because I worked on this late last week:

It’ll be a looong time before you see that Sprite Showcase happen, but I had to say something there. I’ve got other video plans that will hit first, but I’m keeping those kinda secret for now. Oddly enough, being in the roundtable stream gave me a good chance to test my mic, which I’ll need for my first long-overdue tutorial video about making custom mini-logos like the ones seen in Capcom’s Marvel Super Heroes and Marvel vs. Capcom (and another Capcom game that I’ll mention in the video, but you can figure it out yourself if you browse this site’s sprite galleries).

Stay tuned, I’ll have a small update later this March with a few new sprites added to official game sprite galleries, additions to the image generators, and possibly some new ToyBoss section pics.