Here’s a small update that includes a few things tied to that Old-School update from November, improves some X-Men in the GFX Generators, and sets up things for the upcoming 1987 update.

GFX Generators
Updated characters: Flashgal (improved sprite, added pistol and sword sprites), Mario (added in-game Mario Bros. palette with darker blue), Centipede (added five palettes), Colossus (added sprite), Cyclops (Added sprites, including infamous intro sprite), Storm (added sprites), Wolverine (added five sprites)
Updated screenstyles: Centipede background added to the GroupShot’s 160×192 set-ups.
Sprites – Updates to Shinobi (sprites added, layout reformatted) gallery.
Game Index – Ms. Pac-Man, Flashgal and Ghosts ‘n Goblins (arcade versions) were added. Shinobi (arcade) was in the system, but didn’t show up on the main game list for some reason.
The website now has a Shop page. I’ve had a ScrollBoss store set up on my CafePress account for years, but never really put it on the site until now. Why? Because I made a design for it that’s something other than the ScrollBoss S symbol.

Those who have visited the message board might recognize that. The F-Bomb shirt is sold through CafePress and is available in Men’s and Women’s modes. I’m also working on some things that will be sold as art prints, possibly on deviantART but definitely as part of my print collection at conventions.