March 25th, 2010

There isn’t a lot of new stuff in this update but a whole lot of work went into it.

Custom Sprite Downloads – the “SFAlpha” style Bred sprite set has been added to the Custom Sprite Download page. Yes, an entire set of sprites! There will be future updates to the set, just like the other sets on the page, but it has everything you need to bring Bred into a CPS2 Capcom fighter-scale fan game.

Sprites – The slightly new overall look for the main sprite galleries are done. There is still a lot to fix but all the main stuff is in there. Each gallery now has a box at the top with things like Game Index links. Many of the gallery layouts are just copies of the older versions but some have the more unified style that they’ll all have when they’re done. The games that had a few sprites on a company’s sprite hub page now have their own pages. The upcoming screenshot galleries use the same engine and will hit later this year.

Custom Sprites – The Capcom page gets recreations of Bred’s “OH MY GOD!” and “OH MY CAR!” sprites and the Strider Hiryu sprites that used to be on the Strider sprite page.

Graphics – Other – Bred’s word balloons were added.

You’ll also start to see a slightly different version of the ScrollBoss logo in most areas. I remade the whole font again and you’ll see more of that when I start to remake other logos for the site. That’s all for now. If you’re trying out the Bred sprite pack and want to leave some feedback about it, feel free to reply in this topic. I need to know if the format I’m using works for people before I put the Dug pack together.

I almost forgot about this other stuff that happened in-between updates:

First, check out two pics I added to Illmosis:
Tyris Flare in a fighting stance Douglas Bild from Rushing Beat Ran in his select screen pose.
That’s right. Douglas Bild from Brawl Brothers and Rival Turf in full color along with Tyris Flare in base color mode (coloring without shading).

The second thing is from someone awesome that you probably know about already, Rinry of Rinry Game Game. Check out this video and you may see something… familiar :)

Thanks, Rinry and Jot!

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