The first update of 2019 has a lot of “finally” like Cece Peniston as I revive a long-dead site section and add fan sprites based on two of the best mid-nineties Beat ‘Em Ups!
Reviews: dormant for a decade, I recoded and redesigned the reviews section (not the index) and modified just about every full review. They’re probably still full of sleep deprivation-induced grammatical errors, but I fixed a lot of the things that annoyed me whenever I saw the pages again. A few reviews were at least 50% rewritten. I’ll probably modify them even more, partially because the thinner page width makes the layout weird. Will I make new reviews later? **shrugs** This is still a work in progress, and the index page won’t look like the old ugly one once everything is done. For now, the Reviews are part of the Info Center area of the site.
Game Index: fixed as many of the review links as I could find and added Denjin Makai II/Guardians. BTW: the page has a list of the alternate ENG language select screen name graphics found in the OBJ TEST. Does anyone know if they appear in any variant of the game?
Sprites: new Denjin Makai II/Guardians page, including uncropped portraits.
Custom Sprites: The Battle Circuit gallery starts with Cyber Blue and the Denjin Makai gallery opens with Makai and Guardians-uniform Kurokishi. BTW: just in case you’ve never seen them, you should check out 2Dwillneverdie to see the Battle Circuit sprites Kiwi made long ago. Masterpieces, one and all.
Mini-logos: Banpresto, Denjin Makai and Denjin Makai II added to new Banpresto gallery.
The new pixel art has been added to the main image generator, as usual!