I just added a special .ZIP file download to the Custom Sprite Pack Downloads page. What’s in it? Nearly every custom sprite, mini-logo and portrait you’ve ever seen on this site and a that you haven’t seen. Seriously.

Custom Graphics: 2001-2011

I don’t know what the future of this site will be if SOPA, Protect IP or any other misguided bill of that sort passes, so I figured I’d bundle everything up into a .ZIP and let you save a copy of those pixels. Anyone who downloaded this from the PCS board doesn’t have the NameGFX I just added with the regular and customized in-game nametags from X-Men, SFA3 and Vampire Savior.

ScrollBoss is on semi-pause until SOPA and ProtectIP pass or fail their trials of becoming bills. ScrollBoss will close temporarily if either bill passes and Illmosis will be purged of its fan art. Even if the bills fail, I’m not sure if I want to make or even show old fan work of companies that allowed their name to be on the official SOPA support list (a link to the current PDF can be found on this page). Trust me, ScrollBoss will live on one way or another. Thanks for visiting and have a great 2012!

edit: I forgot to post a link to this. Just a lil’ something I’ve been working on for a while.

Breakin’ News

PlayStation Store Update

You may know that Sonic CD hits this week, but there’s a big sale going on. Elevator Action Returns players can pick up a free new character:

PSN Games

Trine 2 ($14.99)
Sonic CD ($4.99)
note: there are demos for both games.


Elevator Action HD – Additional Character 3 – Original (free)
note: Yes, it’s a 3-D version of the original sprite. I’ll be downloading it after I finish this post.

Bionic Commando: Rearmed (Sale) (now $4.99, original price $9.99)
Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 (Sale) (now $4.99, original price $14.99)
Final Fight/Double Impact (Sale) (now $4.99, original price $9.99)
(note: Final Fight/DI and BCR2 have that DRM that requires an internet connection even in one player mode)
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (Sale) (now $4.99, original price $9.99)
Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix (Sale) (now $4.99, original price $9.99)
Wolf Of The Battlefield: Commando 3 (Sale) (now $2.99, original price $4.99)
Earthworm Jim HD (Sale) (now $2.99, original price $9.99)
Bomberman Ultra (Sale) (now $4.99, original price $9.99)
Trine (Sale) (now $4.99, original price $9.99)
Sonic The Hedgehog 4 Episode I (Sale) (now $6.99, original price $9.99)

Activision Hits Remixed (Sale) (now $7.49, original price $14.99)
Capcom Classics Collection Reloaded (Sale) (now $4.99, original price $9.99)
Capcom Classics Collection Remixed Umd Legacy (Sale) (now $4.99, original price $9.99)
Darkstalkers: Chaos Towers Umd Legacy (Sale) (now $4.99, original price $9.99)
Mega Man Maverick Hunter X Umd Legacy (Sale) (now $4.99, original price $9.99)
Power Stone Collection Legacy (Sale) (now $4.99, original price $9.99)
Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max Legacy (Sale) (now $4.99, original price $5.99)
Ultimate Ghosts N Goblins Umd Legacy (Sale) (now $4.99, original price $9.99)

PSP minis (also available from PS3 Storefront)

P.O.W. – Prisoners Of War ($2.99)
note: This is one of the better post-Double Dragon/pre-Final Fight beat-em-ups, IMHO.

(Updated Dec. 18th, 2011)

Do you enjoy fan art, game graphics, screenshots, game mods, sprite edits, tribute videos, game walkthroughs and anything of that nature? If so, time may be running out for you to do so. There are two bills currently being discussed in the US House Judiciary Committee that claim to be about fighting internet piracy, but many experts say that companies would gain the power to block US citizens from visiting sites they claim to be offenders of copyright law.

Who are these companies? You can find a list of them on the page called, “Who Wants To Break The Internet?” Viacom, one of the companies in the list, tried to sue YouTube for allowing videos from Viacom’s channels (like MTV) to be placed on the site, even though Viacom possibly uploaded some of those videos themselves. Yeah, Viacom lost. Universal, also on the list, had a celebrity endorsement-laced MegaUpload support video yanked off YouTube for featuring an unauthorized artist… who isn’t even in the video. A news show talked about that video, so Universal had the news show’s video yanked, too. Hell, these music companies have ordered the removal of videos posted by their own artists (and not just in the U.S.). For those who haven’t been irritated enough, here’s a story about how media companies somehow have the power to kill off public domain videos.

How would the U.S. government handle things? ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement, part of the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security) shut down five websites on the claim that they were counterfeits and bootleggers. As reported by TechDirt and the New York Times, one site was Dajaz.com, a site that provided downloads to songs purposefully leaked by the record companies for promotional purposes.

The abuse I’ve mentioned is what they can do without SOPA or Protect IP, so imagine what they’ll get away with if this bill passes. They already have the Chappellian “Shoot first, sprinkle crack on the corpse later” method down to a science when it comes to using the DMCA and site-specific kill switches. The fact that I’ll have to shut down this site if the bill passes isn’t the main reason I’m bothered by this. Many of us have turned to the internet because we don’t like what most media companies are pushing in our direction. Creative people and independent reporters are using it to avoid dealing with the same shady companies that have been spending money to push these bills and own the news channels which won’t tell you the same stories I’ve linked to here. Piracy may be hurting them, but their biggest problem is how the internet is giving us options. No, it’s not a c-o-n-spiracy as much as it’s the kind of typical corporate dick-move you’ll see happen when groups think a form of technology, like VCR’s, will threaten their money flow. They’re paying a lot of money to screw up the internet in the hopes that you’ll run into their open, greedy arms after they close off every other option you have now.

More about the topic:
Mozilla: Protect the Internet
BoingBoing: stories about SOPA
GameRanx – How SOPA Affects Gamers: SOPA Will Pass Unless You Help
Kotaku – The Stop Online Piracy Act and You: A Primer
Next Web Insider: 29 Tech Companies who back SOPA through a front group

There was an update earlier this week with the Baroness sprite pack, a Passion Tanaka sprite and other additions to the Image Generators. I just added Endless Duck to the generators and updated the Variable/Create-a-scene options with five more backgrounds: Bison, Chun-Li and Dhalsim from Street Fighter Alpha 2 along with Final Fight’s Steel Cage and Sodom’s fighting ring.

GFX Generators – I added a few new backgrounds to the 384×224 scene styles and added an early fix for the text feature to prevent certain symbols from gumming up the works.

Character Updates:
SNK – Duck King and Eiji Kisaragi added. Kim Kaphwan gets some KoF 2000 sprites added.
Toys ‘n Toons – Baroness (separate from Cobra character, new sprites & SFA 3 items. Storm Shadow gets a new SFA3 Vs. Name Graphic.
Illmosis – Passion Tanaka (with mini-logo) added.

Rich Girls Laughin' title=

Custom Sprites: Passion Tanaka was added to the PrimeOp gallery page and more Baroness sprites were added to the G.I.JOE page. Speaking of Baroness sprites…

Custom Sprite Downloads – I added the VERY incomplete Baroness sprite set from the long-dead project. I also added some of the sprites from this project to the G.I.JOE Custom Sprite Page and now has her own character slot in the GFX image Generators.

There will be another small update soon to make up for having to rush this one out.

BTW: Elevator Action Deluxe fans, don’t forget that the free DLC Time Gal character is now available along with Sayo-Chan and an extra level.