The convention is over and was fun. Check out the main Illmosis site to see more about that along with the flyer I was giving out and the scratch-made sprite that’s on it.

Mini Logos – There is at least one new minilogo for each letter of the alphabet. Seriously.

Atari/Midway/Williams: Gauntlet
Capcom: Bionic Commando, Darkstalkers, J, Marvel vs. Capcom, Street Fighter II
Data East: Bad Dudes (cover/marquee/flyer style), Chelnov, Dragonninja
DC Comics: Isis
IREM: Kid Niki, Undercover Cops
Konami: Castlevania
Marvel: Havok, X-Men
Nintendo: Link, Wario, Zelda
Sega: Electra, Onihime, Quartet, Roo, Victy, Yasha
SNK: Art of Fighting, Fatal Fury
Tecmo: Ninja Gaiden

I needed a lot of new logos thanks to a new feature in the Graphic Generators and noticed that I had a lot of letters in a row. I thought it would be fun to try and finish the rest of the alphabet in time for the update, a fact that will probably be used against me in a psyche evaluation. It also gave me an excuse to use that post title. Thanks to Buyog and WillyFourEyes for helping with suggestions for P(engo) and W(ario) over Twitter. I also fixed quite a few earlier mini logos by filling some with empty space to fit the 64×26 size limit and edited a few that were too big since I didn’t know what the size limits were then. I still need to fix a few, though. This will make it easier for anyone who wants to make a graphic font from the logos.

Graphic Generators – I added another minor feature to the engine that streamlines the mini logo choice process for certain styles with one logo AND adds a list of theme-specific logos to the list. This has been enabled on the Capcom, Sega and SNK game boxes to add a list of game minilogos to the choices.

Characters added: Dragonninja (enemy drones from Bad Dudes), Havok
Characters updated: Balrog (sprites), Vega (sprites), X-23 (custom X-Men:CotA name graphic). Bad Dudes, Electra, Radd Spencer had their new mini logos added to their options.

Game Logos – Alisia Dragoon, Atomic Runner Chelnov (arcade & Genesis), B. Rap Boys, Bare Knuckle 2, Cabal, D. D. Crew, Elevator Action, Fantasy, Geostorm, Hissatsu Buraiken, the Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Quartet, Sly Spy/Secret Agent (with and without background field), Undercover Cops

I need some help with something. The next ScrollBoss update will (hopefully) have at least one “mini logo” for each letter of the alphabet. Here is the current state of which letters I have done so far:


I need suggestions for the letters that haven’t been crossed out yet. They have to be logos for old (16-bit or older) action/adventure games or the names of major characters in those games. Action-adventure means no sports games, no FPS and no faceless-entity-in-a-vehicle shooters (shooters like Contra & Rolling Thunder are allowed). Sprite-based fighting games and characters ARE allowed. Check this page to see if I haven’t made it already:
Mini Logos page

I know there are some obvious ideas for open letters (especially E) but I’d still like to see if anyone says anything. Leave your ideas in a comment to this post and I’ll add them to the list. I can’t guarantee that I’ll get them all made but I’ll have add them to the to-do list. Well, I will unless they’re really bad. Also: anyone who posts at least one good request will be added to the “Special Thanks” area of the ScrollBoss credits page. Be sure to let me know what name you want me to credit you by and if you have a website you’d like for me to link to in the news post once the update hits. This will be updated as I finish more logos.

Update 1: Just got O and Y finished. Their names in the U.S. versions are M and L so I’ll be lazy and save those for another update.

Update 2: T is done, too.

Update 3: E is done with a drone enemy who is in the GFX Generators and needed a logo.

Update 4: U minilogo is finished. Somehow managed to hint at the crazy bevel and shading in the big letters.

Update 5: K minilogo done. The IREM section looks a bit better thanks to the last two I’ve done Thurs. night/Fri. morning.

Update 6: J (Final Fight’s J), R and V minilogo done Fri. afternoon. Three more to go!

Update 7: Thanks to a post I made on Twitter, I have suggestions for P and W. Buyog mentioned Pengo, one of the options I had for P so I rolled with it.

Update 8: Okay, it’s all done now. Time to finish coding the last new additions to the minilogo page then add the appropriate logos to the Gfx Generators. Thanks for playing!